In the previous post entitled "Nineteen - The Authenticity Detector of the Qur'an", when discuss about the seventh checksum, it is stated that :
There are 29 surah in the Qur'an which have initials or fawatih in the first verse, such as: alif, lam, mim, ra, shad, nun. Out of those 29 surah, the 15th surah in this list is the surah Al-Ankabut which is the 29th surah of the Qur'an. This surah divide the list of initials-have surah into 2 parts, 14 chapters before this surah and 14 surah after this surah.
Note : image table above is taken from Indonesian version. Nama = the name of surah, inisial=initials, ayat=verse
Surah Al-Ankabut is chosen by God as the "mediator" for all initials-have surah, for that surely Allah does not design it in vain, because as mentioned in His words:
[72:28] ... and (He) takes account of every single thingAl-Ankabut or "spider" is the 29th surah of the Qur'an. In this surah, Allah mentions the word "spider" twice, both present only in one verse, which is in verse 41. So, from here this post will be focusing on the surah Al-Ankabut, which has the translation of verse 41 as follow :
[29:41] The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of the spider, who builds (to itself) a house; but truly the flimsiest of houses is the spider's house; if they but knew.Some of mathematical facts about the surah Al-Ankabut (29) verse 41 are as follows:
- 29 is a prime number which is also a twin prime (29,31). Just for information, twin primes are pairs of primes that differed by two, such as (3, 5) or (5, 7) or (11, 13).
- 41 is also a prime number, and also a twin prime (41,43).
- 2969 (combination of surah number : 29 and total verses of Al-Ankabut : 69) is also a twin prime (2969,2971).
- Here, the middle numbers of these pairs of twin prime (29.31), (41.43), (2969.2971) are 30, 42, and 2970
- Both 30 and 42 are divisible by 6 .
- 6 x 5 = 30 and 6 x 7 = 42, where the 5 and 7 is prime and also twin prime (5,7) which has middle number of 6 .
- 2970 also divisible by 6. Please note that 2970 = 6 x 495, where 4+9+5 (in which will be formed 459) is 18, which is the middle number of the twin prime (17, 19 ) and can be divided by 6 ( 6 x 3 = 18).
So, What's up with number 6?
Here 19 as the parity check or checksum takes part for answering this question.
The nineteen, geometrically, can be assumed as 19 balls. If we arrange these 19 balls on the floor or a flat shape, then the most stable form is a six-shape parallelogram or hexagonal.
By definition, a hexagonal can coincide with each other without any gap in the flat (3 hexagon meet at each vertex / vertex), so it is very useful for construction. The cells of the beehive is shaped in hexagonal, and it is for this reason, stability and because this shape is very efficient in the use of space and building materials.
So we see how Allah teaches mankind how to design a structure of buildings efficiently, firmly and earthquake resistant, as bees make their nest that consists of a collection of integrated hexagons. That is also why a beehive remains strong and stable despite obtaining strong shocks around it.
Regarding the beehive, Allah mentioned it in surah an-Nahl verse 68:
[16:68]And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men's) habitations;Let's see, number 1668 (combination of surah number 16 & verse 68) is the middle number of the twin prime pairs (1667, 1669) and also a multiple of 6 ( 6 x 278 = 1668), where 2+7+8 (the digits of 278) is 17, and it is a twin prime (17, 19 ) with the middle 18 numbers that can be shared 6 . Many stuctures and objects in the world follow the hexagonal pattern naturally.
So the verse 41 of surah al-Ankabut implicitly convey that, when build or make construction structure, do not follow a spider's web, because by following the pattern of spider's web structure, the result is not quite strong. However, follow the beehive's hexagon pattern, to obtain a stable and efficient structure.
Furthermore, back to discussion about the number 6, number 6 is the first perfect number. Perfect number is a number that is half the sum of all of its positive divisors (including itself). In the case of number 6, its positive divisor are 3, 2 and 1. If these three numbers are added together will result 3+2+1 = 6. The second perfect number is 28, its positive divisor are 14,7,4,2,1 where 14+7+4+2+1 is also 28.
Al-Qur'an and the Spider
Now let's see again the surah Al-Ankabut paragraph 41 , which is said:
[29:41] The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of the spider, who builds (to itself) a house; but truly the weakest/the flimsiest of houses is the spider's house; if they but knew.One of the characteristics of the spider 's web is that have high toughness, so that this spider's web is a benchmark or reference in the manufacture of polymer fibers at this time. Toughness here is a material and metallurgical term that defined the ability of a material to absorb energy and deform plastically and elastically without cracking. However, Al-Quran says in surah Al-Ankabut verse 41 above that the weakest house is spider's house.
Some facts about spiders that can be conclude from surah Al-Ankabut verse 41 are as follows:
- The use of the word "al-Ankabut" is a form of single. The plural is "al-ankabutat", "al-anakib" or "al-anakiib". This is not like bees (an-nahl) and ants (an-naml) which in the Quran are mentioned in the plural form, indicating the bees and ants are social creatures. Science proves that most spiders are not social creatures. They tend to attack and devour each other when living in groups. This condition is applied even in groups, not in large colonies, but also in small groups. In the breeding season, female spiders prey on males in their nest after fertilization. That's why the spider silk industry is not popular. Unlike caterpillars that can be placed one place, the spider should be separated from one another so that not prey each other.
- The Quran explains that for the spider, the one responsible to build a house is a female spider. The use of the word "al-Ankabut" generally refers to the female spider. Male form of "al-Ankabut" was "al-ankab". Science proves that mostly the cobwebs is constructed by female spider, especially to reproduce and keep its eggs. Male spider usually use their webs for capturing prey.
- It says in the Qur'an that the weakest is the house, not its constructed material. This verse does not mention about the spider web. What is mentioned here is the spider's house, which is a result of construction and architecture, not the material for the construction itself. Someone might be able to make a house made from steel or another best quality material, but if the construction and architecture is weak, then the house will not be able to protect the occupants of the house. Similarly for spider, its house maybe functioned as a trap for prey, but is not able to provide tranquility for itself. Unable to protect it from heat, rain and maybe even its enemies. Some spiders are forced to live on the edge of the nest, even in places other than the nest for sheltering. A house who is unable to provide security for the residents is said as a weak house. And the weakest house, the most easily destroyed house is a house built by a spider, despite the fact that the web itself that make up the house is said to be one of the highest-toughness ingredients.
- "Awhana buyuti" in the paragraph above, in addition to meaning "the weakest house" also means "the flimsiest house". "Awhana" can mean both fragile/weak and thin/flimsy. The fact that the house spider is made of very thin material, regardless also one the highest-toughness material, as described by science today, making the spider's house spider as one of the thinnest house on earth.
Al-Qur'an and the Bees
After discussing the spider, now we turn to the surah An-Nahl verses 68-69 which says:
[16:68-69] And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men's) habitations;Then to eat of all (arabic:kulli) the produce/fruits (of the earth) (arabic:tsamarati), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought.
- The use of the word "Nahl" to mention the bees in the Quran, using the plural form, in which the Qur'an indicates that bees are social creatures that live in groups.
- The words in italics and underlined in the verse above, are feminin form in its original arabic text, which is showed that the jobs mentioned above are done by female bees (to bulid, to eat/gathering food, to find). Science nowadays indicates that the job for making hive, taking care of the hive, find food are carried by the sterile female bees or a worker bee. Male bees stay in the hive and served to fertilize the Queen bee.
- Honey has variety of colors, depending on the source from which the honey is taken by the worker bees. Concerning the part of the verse about "eat of any/all fruit," the word "kulli" (in arabic) can mean "every" or "all". Not that all kinds of fruit are ordered to the bees to eat. In surah al-Naml (27) verse 23, there is mentioned of the queen of Saba '"... and she was awarded everything (kulli syayin)". Here "kulli syayin" does not mean that everything on earth, but it means all that the queen of Saba needs. Similarly, "kulli" in surah An-Nahl verse 69 above, it means that all the fruit/produce required by the bees. "Tsamarat" which is translate as produce or fruits in this verse, is different to fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges, and others. For fruits such as this, which is eaten by humans, the Qur'an uses the term "fawkiha" as used in Qur'an surah 23:19, 36:57, 55:11, 55:68, 52:22, 56:20, 56:32, 55:52, 77:42, 80:31, and others. In this context, "tsamarat" instead of "fruit", more likely means what is produced from the flowers. This includes also the nectar and pollen, nectar and pollen as it is also a "fruit" of the flower (something produced by the flowers). Below is a photo of bees that eat grapes
- "wherein is healing for men", because honey is one of the foods that contain lots of nutrients and antioxidants for humans.
[16:69] ... verily in this is a sign for those who give thought.
wallahu a'lam
Allah the Most Righteous with His words
(from various sources)
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