Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bring Forth A Chapter like Qur'an's Surah? - Why Should We Affraid?

Dare to accept Allah's challenge?
Allah has annouced His eternal challenge to all the people who feel like able to comply the challenge. Allah clearly challenges the whole of mankind and jinn, as describe in His words:
[2:23] And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true.

[10:38] Or do they say, "He forged it"? say: "Bring then a Sura like unto it, and call (to your aid) anyone you can besides Allah, if it be ye speak the truth!"

[11:13] Or they may say, "He forged it," Say, "Bring ye then ten suras forged, like unto it, and call (to your aid) whomsoever ye can, other than Allah!- If ye speak the truth!

[52:34] Let them then produce a recital like unto it,- If (it be) they speak the truth!
This challenge applies to all people, either man or jinn and free to call for help, and there is no time limit.

If in the surah Al-Baqarah (2) verse 23, the challenge is to make a surah like the Qur'an, then the challenge is "facilitates" again by Allah in Surah Ath-Thuur (52) verse 34 by saying that the challenge is also applied for just making a "sentence" such as Qur'an. In the previous post said that the number "nineteen" has its own speciality in the Qur'an as key of detector, as Allah says that over it are nineteen.
[74:30] Over it are nineteen
and further described in the next verse what is Allah's intention to make the "19" over it :
[74:31] ... and We have fixed their numbers :
- only as a trial for Unbelievers,
- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty
- and the Believers may increase in Faith,
- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers,
- and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say,
"What symbol doth Allah intend by this?"
Thus doth Allah leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind.
The passage in the Qur'an that meet the criteria "over it are nineteen" is "Bismillah arrahman arrahiim" or sometimes be called "basmalah". Firstly, basmallah consists of nineteen letters/alphabets (in form of Arabic alphabet). Secondly, basmallah always located in the "over" of all the surah, with the exception of the ninth surah, At-Tawbah. So for anyone who wants to make a sentence such as Al-Qur'an, then the best candidate proposed as a benchmark is basmallah or "Bismillah arrahman arrahiim ", because this basmallah is "over it are nineteen".  All of criteria that are owned by basmallah, must be also owned by a man-made sentences that want to meet Allah's challenge. Those criteria are as follows:

  • To make a sentence such as Al-Qur'an, first of all create a sentence in any language that consists of a minimum of 4 words and count how many letter/alphabet that the sentence has in particular language. We suppose there are n letters . The sentence should have meaning rather than random sentences that are not meaningful. For sentence in the Qur'an, we take basmallah "Bismi Allah arrahman arrahiim" (4 words) because Basmallah this is "over" of every surah in the Quran. Basmallah is composed of 19 letters (thus, n = 19).
  • Determine gematrical value of the letter in the language you use in your sentences. For example, for the Latin alphabet, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, ... In the past, especially those in the middle east region, such as Hebrews, Syrians, Greeks, and Arabs,  use the gematrical value to calculate the value of a word, or use it for other calculations, by giving specific values ​​to particular letters in their alphabet system. Below is a table of gematrical value of Arabic alphabe. Since the Qur'an uses the Arabic language, we use the gematrical value of Arabic letter as follows:
For the Hebrew alphabet and Greek alphabet use gematrical value as the table below. For gematical value of other alphabets can be specified by given value to every letter in particular alphabet system.

  • Make a table like the example below to make your sentence, word by word, and for every wors is counted the number of letters and gematrikal value of its constituent letters:

Note : image table above is taken from Indonesian version. No urut = sequence number, Arab trans = arabic transliteration, banyak huruf = total number of letters, kumulatif banyak huruf = accumulation of total number of letters from the beginning (sequence number 1), nilai gematrikal = gematical value of each letter, total gematrikal = sum of gematrical value for particular word, kumulatif gematrical value = accumulation of sum of gematrical value from the begiining (sequence number 1)
  • Open to do the calculation, because those following criteria require large number calculations ( big number ), that the digit of the number more than 10 digits
  • Sequence number of each word ( mark with black ) followed by total number of letters for the word ( mark with red ), should form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 3 2 4 3 6 4 6 = 13243646 = 19 x 19 x 36686

  • Sequence number of each word ( mark with black ) followed by sum of gematrical value of the word ( mark with red ), should form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 102 2 66 3 329 4 289 = 110226633294289 = 19 x 5801401752331

  • Sequence number of each word ( mark with black ) followed by the value of gematical value of each letter that make up a number ( mark with red ), should form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 26040 2 130305 3 13020084050 4 13020081040 = 19 x 66336954226595422109686863843162160

  • Sequence number of each word ( mark with black ) followed by the letters posisitions in the particular word ( mark with red ) that is placed before gematrical value of each letter for that particular word ( mark with blue numbers ), should form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 1 2 2 60 3 40 2 1 1 2 30 3 30 4 5 3 1 1 2 30 3 200 4 8 5 40 6 50 4 1 1 2 30 3 200 4 8 5 10 6 40 = 19 x 590843895848580686595327911581502139495327911581500560

  • Sequence number of each word ( mark with black ) followed by the sum of gematrical value of first and last letters in the particular word (for example the word Bism, Ba and Mim has total gematrikal value if added up is 42) ( mark with red ), should form a number of is multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 42 2 6 3 51 4 41 = 19 x 748755339

  • Sequence number of each word ( mark with black ) followed by the sum of the total number of letters and the sum of gematrikal value for that particular word (e.g in Bism words, the number of letters 3 add up with total value gematrikal 102 = 105) ( mark with red ) , must form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 105 2 70 3 335 4 295 = 19 x 5817212281805

  • Sequence number of each word ( mark with black ) followed by accumulation of total letter for the words ( mark with red ) (please refer to the table that you created earlier. For Basmallah, please see table above), should form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 3 2 7 3 13 4 19 = 19 x 69858601

  • Sequence number of each word ( black points ) followed by accumulation of sum of gematrical value for particular words ( mark with red ) (please refer to the table that you created earlier. For Basmallah, please see table above), should form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 102 2 168 3 497 4 786 = 19 x 58011412367094  

  • Gematrical value of each letter ( mark with black ) followed by the positions of the letters count from the beginning of the phrase ( mark with red ), should form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
2 1 60 2 40 3 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 = 19 x 1136968586476477143068905268848105921121654218526404300536001
  • Sequence number of each word (e.g in Basmallah is 1 to 4) ( mark with black ) preceded by the gramatical value of each letter in the particular a word ( mark with blue ) which is followed by the position of letters count from the beginning of the phrase ( mark with red ), should form the numbers which is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
2 1 60 2 40 3 1 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 2 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 3 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 4 = 19 x 11369685849634371880096364211095336907901742857974737727215886326

  • Sum of gematrical value of each word ( mark with blue ) preceded by gematrical value for each letter for the particular word ( mark with red ), which is followed by the position of letters count from the beginning of the phrase ( mark with black ), should form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
2 1 60 2 40 3 102 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 66 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 329 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 289 = 19 x 113696858432331858240874647852637269158552701732180534315877984746527331

  • Sum of gematrical value of each word ( mark with blue ) followed by gematrical value of each letter in the particular word ( mark with red ), and followed by the position of letters count from the beginning of the phrase ( mark with black ), should form a number that is a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
102 2 1 60 2 40 3 66 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 329 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 289 1 14 30 15 200  16 8 17 10 18 40 19 = 19 x 53797907387691739635038574647852637269158552701521654218526404300536001

  • For each word in the phrase/sentence, write the following order: number of letters ( mark with black), sum of gematrical value of the word ( mark with blue ), the combined of gematrical value of each letter in the word ( mark with red ), should form a number of a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
3 102 26040 4 66 130305 6 329 13020084050 6 289 13020081040 = 19 x 16327686340322647664890158951792138363843162160

  • For each word in the phrase/sentence, write the following order: number of letters ( mark with black), the combined of gematrical value of each letter in the word ( mark with red ), sum of  gematrical of the word ( mark with blue ), should form a number of a multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
3 26040 102 4 130305 66 6 13020084050 329 6 13020081040 289 = 19 x 17160005390159503505948425476333137527372686331

  • Replace each letter in the phrase with the position within the phrase (1 to n) separated by words. For example, Bism consisting of three words will form 123, Allah is composed of 4 words will form 4567, and so on. The sum of these numbers should result a numer that multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 2 3 + 4 5 6 7 + 8 9 10 11 12 13 + 14 15 16 17 18 19= 150426287722 = 19 x 7917173038

  • Replace each letter in the phrase with the position within the phrase (1 to n) separated by words. For example, Bism consisting of three words will form 123, God is composed of 4 words will form 4567, and so on. Combination of these numbers followed by the sequence number of the particular word must form a number which is multiple of n . For Basmallah ( n = number of letters in the phrase = 19 ):
1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 4 = 19 x 6481351204790059017442903248326

  • The number of words ( mark with black ), the number of letters ( mark with red ) and sum of all gematrical value for the phrase/sentence ( mark with blue numbers ) when combined, must form a number which is a multiple of n . To Basmalah consists of 4 words, 19 letters and a total of 786 gematrikal. Combine these three numbers: 4 19 786 = 19 x 22094.
Please for anyone interested to comply of this Allah's challenge, is welcome to show one sentence/phrase that meets all of 17 criteria of multiple of n above .

Just to give an illustration, the probability of a sentence or a phrase that meets 4 criteria out of the 17 criteria of a multiple of n above is one in 189753 x 189753 x 189753 = 6832284660060777. The possibility for creating a sentence like Basmallah that meets all 17 criteria for a multiple of n above is impossible, although the jinn and men are joined together.

But if you're curious, this Allas's challenge will always open for you.

Closing this discussion, here are some additional facts about "Basmallah":
  1. Basmallah is the first verse in the Qur'an (which is the first verse of surah Al-Fatihah or "The Opening") consists of 19 letters, and the number of letters per each word in the corresponding order is 3,4,6,6. Combine all of these numbers: 1193466 = 19 x 19 x 19 x 174.
  2. Total of occurrence of Basmallah in the Qur'an is 114 times = 19 x 6. One Basmallah if the first verse of surah Al-Fatihah and 112 other Basmallah are in the beginning of all surah but not included in the verse numbering or sometimes said as verse 0, with the exception of surah 9 (not opened with bismillah) and 1 Basmallah in the middle of the surah 27 (verse 30).
  3. Surah is not precede with Basmallah is the At-Tawbah (surah 9) and surah containing  Basmallah in the middle of it is An-Naml (surah 27). Calculated starting from Surah At-Tawbah (9) to An-Naml (27), it's all 19 surah in total.
  4. Basmallah in surah An-Naml (surah 27) can be found in verse 30, where 27 + 30 = 57 = 19 x 3.
  5. The only verse that meet the criteria "over it are nineteen" as described above is Basmallah (Bismillahirrahmanirrahim). The number of word Allah in the Qur'an is 2699. If Basmallah considered as "opening code that are over it", then Basmallah that located in Q.S 1:1, is both "above"  and the opening (Al-Fatihah is both first surah and means "Opening"). By making Basmallah in surah 1 verse 1 as the opening key, then the word Allah in the Qur'an, exclude the opening key (surah 1 verse 1) is 2698 (19 x 142)
wallahu a'lam
Allah the Most Righteous with His words  
(from various sources) 

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